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Encode & Encrypt
Online tool for encryption and encoding

Encoders – Decode & Encode Text

Choose the algorithm with which to convert your text or ciphertext.
Bellow you can find common texts translated to the algorithms we support.

  • "localhost"hex
  • 6c6f63616c686f7374
  • "root"hex
  • 726f6f74
  • "admin"hex
  • 61646d696e
  • ""hex
  • 3132372e302e302e31
  • "Hello, world!"hex
  • 48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421
  • "test"hex
  • 74657374
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"latin1
  • localhost
  • "root"latin1
  • root
  • "admin"latin1
  • admin
  • ""latin1
  • "Hello, world!"latin1
  • Hello, world!
  • "test"latin1
  • test
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"utf16
  • 汯捡汨潳琀
  • "root"utf16
  • 牯潴
  • "admin"utf16
  • 慤浩渀
  • ""utf16
  • ㄲ㜮〮〮㄀
  • "Hello, world!"utf16
  • 䡥汬漬⁷潲汤℀
  • "test"utf16
  • 瑥獴
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"utf16le
  • 潬慣桬獯t
  • "root"utf16le
  • 潲瑯
  • "admin"utf16le
  • 摡業n
  • ""utf16le
  • ㈱⸷⸰⸰1
  • "Hello, world!"utf16le
  • 效汬Ɐ眠牯摬!
  • "test"utf16le
  • 整瑳
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"base64
  • bG9jYWxob3N0
  • "root"base64
  • cm9vdA==
  • "admin"base64
  • YWRtaW4=
  • ""base64
  • MTI3LjAuMC4x
  • "Hello, world!"base64
  • SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
  • "test"base64
  • dGVzdA==
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"morse-code
  • .-.. --- -.-. .- .-.. .... --- ... -
  • "root"morse-code
  • .-. --- --- -
  • "admin"morse-code
  • .- -.. -- .. -.
  • ""morse-code
  • .---- ..--- --... .-.-.- ----- .-.-.- ----- .-.-.- .----
  • "Hello, world!"morse-code
  • .... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--
  • "test"morse-code
  • - . ... -
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"url
  • localhost
  • "root"url
  • root
  • "admin"url
  • admin
  • ""url
  • "Hello, world!"url
  • Hello%2C%20world!
  • "test"url
  • test
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"base85
  • <~Ci<flChRa.F8~>
  • "root"base85
  • <~Ec5l<~>
  • "admin"base85
  • <~@:X4hD?~>
  • ""base85
  • <~0et[?0J5%30`~>
  • "Hello, world!"base85
  • <~87cURD_*#TDfTZ)+T~>
  • "test"base85
  • <~FCfN8~>
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"rot13
  • ybpnyubfg
  • "root"rot13
  • ebbg
  • "admin"rot13
  • nqzva
  • ""rot13
  • "Hello, world!"rot13
  • Uryyb, jbeyq!
  • "test"rot13
  • grfg
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • "localhost"rot47
  • =@42=9@DE
  • "root"rot47
  • C@@E
  • "admin"rot47
  • 25>:?
  • ""rot47
  • `af]_]_]`
  • "Hello, world!"rot47
  • w6==@[ H@C=5P
  • "test"rot47
  • E6DE
  • Encode
  • Decode

All conversions are performed directly on your device. No data is sent to the server.

Use the encryption tools at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any errors that may appear. If you spot an error, please let us know.