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Encode & Encrypt
Online tool for encryption and encoding

Generate SHA1 HMAC


Encode or decode your text, by either pasting it in the blue box, or typing it directly. Afterwards you can change the options, if there are any, and press the Generate button. The result will appear in the orange box.
Bellow you can find the most commonly used passwords, translated to this algorithm.

  • "password"sha1
  • ae0aa8147889e80c3d9d8173155acf0c774872b1
  • "password1"sha1
  • 64007b10fa7bd0d5777b50676f8a8acf0f6e039d
  • "passw0rd"sha1
  • fe4bd41debd58a95377d11222ca4d2e20486d8e5
  • "login"sha1
  • de8522dd6d7a467540594e6aea1bc73a6d2d303f
  • "welcome"sha1
  • 5923bc9258cffdad5fdca43f91985b15255ac7b8
  • "letmein"sha1
  • 5264fe5b134d9ca768912190f5f3239373554203
  • "iloveyou"sha1
  • f1d875c9be5096fc8fb9f5143453dcc9a2783ac9
  • "princess"sha1
  • 9f9a08a6ef4699af50d76d0453be680a35b07b67
  • "dragon"sha1
  • bfb166b731246b87377cda668df41a8e4dfc764d
  • "monkey"sha1
  • 5638bee494324c6939030668e976fd74d5d8002c
  • "baseball"sha1
  • 8f2c07003222837ec9fc6e5a99ae48626ed89e0b
  • "football"sha1
  • 7a3a486ab14b4180a6bab7517f8b73e4d10cc08f
  • "qwerty"sha1
  • 74cc2e382f34db671647ea987cc2e041e8740a22
  • "qwerty123"sha1
  • de5380cc2b72b5d007d2f8f39f0975e67cf4386b
  • "1qaz2wsx"sha1
  • 6d38f93828f867a720b4f1efe0b4597a70e7be99
  • "1q2w3e4r"sha1
  • b87ce4f18e2aac99c6f7654c26d76526cfaca2a3
  • "123456"sha1
  • 9e017e951f6a777670946cdc8b176b226b1ef82c
  • "1234567"sha1
  • 25a28bb84b0fd02afbedab543f1402a2ba317beb
  • "12345678"sha1
  • e3bbd437a6b191113aea45063ca7d618ce59e758
  • "123456789"sha1
  • f6c95c2c7c9a7ecc21ba590647c185e6e9a4c098
  • "1234567890"sha1
  • 8a107304fe564ba64e80cdef0f0f992de52a2cac
  • "87654321"sha1
  • 65288c5ca46c393472c74c5038bb4dd363aac26b
  • "7654321"sha1
  • 4accdb7a3cdeae26614befc7224fd4cb30706b1b
  • "654321"sha1
  • 60f19d3a4a421fcb09df570af587e2e6f399e999

Copy the following HTML code to add this encoder to your website:

All conversions are performed directly on your device. No data is sent to the server.

Use the encryption tools at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any errors that may appear. If you spot an error, please let us know.